Conveyancing and Property Lawyers Sydney Solicitors

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You are interested in selling your property. The steps that you are likely to follow will typically be:

Before exchange of contracts

  • You decide to sell your property. Contact us to prepare a contract for sale of your property. You will need to tell us the lot and plan details of your property. These details may be found on your Council rates notice.
  • You may tidy the property up.
  • Our conveyancing solicitors will prepare the contract for sale of land. A real estate agent is not legally allowed to show a property for sale without a contract for sale of land.
  • You may find a real estate agent to sell your property. If you use an agent, the agent gives you a sales agency agreement.
  • The agent finds a purchaser;
  • Typically, if you are selling a house, the purchaser will obtain a pest and building inspection and may obtain other inspections. Alternatively if you are selling a strata property then the purchaser may order a strata report.
  • Negotiate the sale price with the purchaser (usually through the agent);
  • This firm, will on your instructions, negotiate the terms of the contract with the solicitor or conveyancer for the purchaser;


  • You approve and sign the contract. Then this firm arranges exchange of contracts for you. It is at this point that the purchaser pays the deposit to the stakeholder;

Post exchange and Pre settlement

  • You will contact your lender to give authority to arrange a discharge of any mortgage you have given over the property, if you have a mortgage.
  • This firm will make arrangements for you to discharge any mortgage over the property.
  • You will need to ensure that the property is vacant before settlement.
  • Just prior to settlement you give the keys to the agent to hand over at or after settlement.


  • On or shortly before the day of settlement the purchaser will usually carry out a final inspection of the property and through their solicitor notify this firm if there are any issues to be resolved, if any, such as the property is not vacant;
  • This firm attends settlement. This is when you receive the proceeds of sale and pay out any mortgage over the property.
  • A letter of authority is sent to the agent to release the deposit to you and to hand the keys to the purchaser.

    These steps are a simplistic summary of the general steps for selling a property.

    If you would like further information specific to your situation contact us on 9232 0050 or

    email us at, as we would like to assist you further.

    Our conveyancing solicitors will look after all steps to strive to ensure a smooth transaction for you.


Our mission is to provide you with the best service.  

Contact us to see how we can help you

Phone: 9232 0050